Setting up a budget in advance will bring you financial freedom. Also finding discounts is the smart way to spend your money.
Kim Heydt-Wylie2018-08-23T15:54:03-05:00Think of credit as a tool to be used wisely. Good credit saves money; bad credit costs money.
Financial Coaching
Sarah Cousineau2018-08-23T16:36:38-05:00Find financial education programs and services, as well as financial coaching in Metropolitan Kansas City.
Financial Education
Ron2020-05-14T15:48:34-05:00Find out the resources available to obtain knowledge and an understanding of financial matters. Teaching tools, resources, activities, and more!
Internet – Get Connected
Kim Heydt-Wylie2018-08-23T16:39:24-05:00Find available information for how to get access to the Internet, find the equipment needed to use it and the learn the skills needed to take advantage.