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Parenting Support
The Family Conservancy
Family Conservancy was founded in 1880 and its mission is helping families and children achieve a lifetime of success. The Family Conservancy has a great resource page for parents and caregivers on behavior, child care, education, general parenting, health, infants, preschoolers, safety, school-aged resources, social and emotional development resources or special education and care resources. Sign up for monthly parenting tips and resources from the Family Conservancy
Caps4Kids – The Children’s Advocacy Project of Kansas City (Caps4Kids) website lists hundreds of resources that support anyone providing support for children. Information about child care, early intervention and development, after school care, mentoring, foster care, adoption, pregnancy resources, infant care, teen resources, and more can be found on their website. Also listed on Caps4Kids are hundreds of local organizations and social service agencies that can help families in many ways–use the search function to find the service you need. Please view the large grouping of resources and the helpful links to learn more about Kansas City resources. There are also some great parent handouts on a variety of subjects.
Total Man CDC
- Educational Development
- Economic Development
- Community and International Involvement
- Housing and Urban Development
- Physical and Mental Health
3100 East 31st Street Kansas City, MO 64128
My Resource Connection
My Resource Connection connects individuals needing assistance with local resources that can help meet their needs: groceries, clothing, health care, counseling, childcare, parenting help, etc. Specific searches can be completed by zip code and county.
Government Assistance
Benefits.Gov will allow you to apply for Government Assistance (TANF cash assistance, SNAP food assistance, Child Care Subsidy, Low Income Energy Assistance Program, etc.) The website reviews Federal and State benefits and sorts benefits by category and agency. To understand what state and federal benefits you may be eligible for, please start at the BENEFIT FINDER.
Both the State of Missouri and Kansas have 12 benefits programs that might assist your family. Contact representatives here.
E-mail an Expert
Mentoring programs in Kansas City are listed in the MSKC Mentoring Topic
Early Childhood & Education
Statistics show that early childhood care positively impacts the lives of participating children.
Local Resources
- Kansas Department for Children and Families childcare assistance, subsidy and financial support
- Missouri Department of Social Services – Childcare/Early Childhood Services
- Family Conservancy Childcare Resources and Referrals
Search for Childcare in your State
- Childcare Aware KS 1-877-678-2548
- Childcare Aware MO 1-866-892-3228
Head Start
- Headstart KS
- Search for Headstart Kansas by County
- Headstart MO
- MARC’s National Headstart Locator
Public School Review
Provides information on public schools in all 50 states and some private schools too. Data primarily describes academic performance, expenditure per student, student-teacher ratios, graduation rates, ect. It also includes percentage of students eligible for the USDA free- and reduced-priced meals program.
Additional Resources
- KCMO Public Schools: Early Childhood Education Programs
- Show Me KC – Find the right school in the Kansas City Public School system
- Project Eagle Early Head Start – center-based or home-based
- Infant/Toddler Services early intervention support from the Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment
Helpful Links
For Local Support/Classes:
- Caps4Kids has a listing of many parenting classes here.
- Locate Love & Logic Classes: KS and MO
- Parents As Teachers – Locate your local Parents as Teachers contact information here.
For National Support/Classes:
- Love & Logic is a philosophy founded in 1977 by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D. The Love and Logic Institute is dedicated to making parenting and teaching fun and rewarding, instead of stressful and chaotic. Find local classes for MO and KS.
- Center for Parenting Education – free online parenting classes and resources
For Tips On Parenting:
Family Conservancy has tips for all ages:
- Babies (0-12 months) ,Toddlers (12-24 months), 3 to 5 year olds, 6 to 8 year olds, 9 to 12 year olds, Teens
Dr. Sears – general advice on parenting and health care:
For Prenatal & Baby Care:
- Mother & Child Coalition – access programs and classes available throughout the metro to promote maternal and child healthcare
- Black Healthcare Coalition – find programs to help address health equity for African-Americans
- Uzazi Village – learn about pre and perinatal care and courses for urban mothers
- Happy Bottoms – provides diapers to low-income families in Kansas City
- Contact your local hospital or healthcare provider to find classes on birth, breastfeeding, newborn care, CPR, first aid and more.
For Fathering:
- The National Center for Fathering strives to inspire and equip fathers and father figures to be actively engaged in the life of every child.
- Fatherly is a leading digital resource for new parents, combining practical advice and evidence-based insights from top experts around the world.
- Strong Dads Program – from KS Department for Children and Families
For Single Parents:
- The Single MOM KC is a Christian organization that supports the single mom through programs and events.
- Parenting magazine – Single parenting page
- 10 Single Mom Secrets from Parenting Magazine
For Car Seat Safety:
For Saving Money:
- The Family Conservancy has a family asset building program (matched savings) for low-to-moderate income families.
- Smart Spending and Savings Shortcuts from MSKC topics
- Saving from MSKC Topics
For Reading:
- Dolly Parton Imagination Library is a program to help kids love reading by sending a
brand new, age appropriate book each month to every child under 5 years.
- Kansas City contact for Imagination Library-United Way of Greater KC. Check and see if your area is covered and register online here
Early reading resources
- The American Academy of Pediatrics offers a lit tool kit with multiple resources for you and your kids.
- 7 Great Online Reading Resources for Parents and Learning Coaches from Connections Academy
Area organizations working in classrooms to improve reading in the classroom for K-3rd grade students
For Family Fun:
- Fun & Free in KC is a great resource for finding free and cheap activities and events around Kansas City.
- Check out Kansas City Parent for great parenting tips and advice.
- Also check out the Kansas City Parent calendar of events.
- Other Free Kansas City Activities
- 33 Free things to do from Visit KC
- Always Free activities from Kansas City on the cheap
Helpful Links For Child Abuse Prevention:
- CAPA – Child Abuse Prevention Association
- Prevent Child Abuse Kansas City Roundtable – A collaboration of more than 30 community agencies that promotes awareness of child abuse and the prevention, training and treatment services available in the Greater Kansas City area.
- Child Care Aware of Missouri – Missouri Action Info Center
- Missouri Programs and services for children-MO Dept. of Social Services
- Kansas Action for Children
- Kansas Child Care Aware
- Kansas Child (and adult) Protection and Prevention services – KS Dept. for Children and Families
United Way 2-1-1
United Way’s 2-1-1 hotline is a great resource for everyday needs of parents and children that aren’t quite 9-1-1 emergencies. Simply dial 2-1-1, or visit United Way 2-1-1 Online to search for resources on your own or call (816) 474-5112 or toll free 866-320-5764