Money Smart Topics

We have collected information & links from groups that can help with a wide range of topics. So whether you need to learn how to improve your credit, save for retirement or budget for your next big purchase, we are here to help you become Money Smart.


Banking 101

When managing your money, the right tools can make all the difference. Learn the basics of banking and be on your way to reach your financial goals.

Resources Just For You

Are you a teacher, pastor, social worker, entrepreneur, HR director, …etc.?
We have collected information and links for all kinds of Providers!
Click below to find tools to help educate your clients, students, employees and more.

Financial ServicesBanker Tool Box

CommunityBasedOrganizationsCommunity Organizations

Educators & ParentsEducators

Employers & EntrepreneursEmployers & Entrepreneurs

Faith OrganizationsFaith Organizations

Housing Services

Law Enforcement & Reentry



Looking for opportunities to become money smart? Attend any of our presentations, workshops and other activities year-round. View a calendar of events for details.


Looking for ways to make a difference? Become a mentor, classroom volunteer and more. Check out options to support your community today.

Money Smart KC Key Partners

Money Smart KC helps to promote financial capability and economic mobility for all consumers with a focus on low-to-moderate income individuals. Key Partners, both financial and in-kind, are essential to our ability to consistently provide and promote quality educational opportunities. Learn more about how YOU can support Money Smart KC and empower Kansas Citians to change their financial future.

More Information On Our Key Partners