Add a link button to Money Smart KC on your website:
To add a Money Smart KC link button to your website using HTML, simply copy the following and paste anywhere within your website:
<a href=”“><img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-7″ src=”” alt=”cropped-mskc-web-banner250.gif” width=”300″ height=”60″ /></a>
Bookmark / Add to Favorites:
To add Money Smart KC as a favorite, visit, look for the Bookmark or Favorites icon in the upper right of your browser. When prompted, click on Bookmark this page / Add to Favorites.
Make Money Smart KC your Homepage:
- Right click on desktop and place cursor over New.
- Select Shortcut in the menu to the right.
- Enter in the field and click next.
- Type Money Smart KC in the Name field and click Finish.
- In Safari, go to
- Choose Safari Preferences. Alternatively, press Command+, (comma). The Preferences dialog displays.
- Click the Set to Current Page button: Alternatively, click the New Windows Open With pop-up menu and choose Empty Page if you want Safari to open a new window with a blank page.
- Click the Close button to exit: Now you can visit your home page at any time by pressing the Home button on the Toolbar.